Sunday, December 17, 2006

Here's What Paul Krugman Can Do
When He Gets A Little More Space

I don't know about you, but I'm often left with one chief thought after reading another Paul Krugman New York Times op-ed essay: I wish he had more space to develop his thought. From the start of the Bush II presidency, he's easily been the most prophetic and relentless critic of this empty-suited presidency, one of the few who was never snowed by the giant White House hype machine nor cowed by its many supporters. Like Maureen Dowd during the Clinton presidency, Krugman and George W. are the perfect mirror matches of a leader and his Boswell. Because he's among the world's most eminent economists, he sees through their sham economic arguments like few others. And because he's famously lacking in social graces and has a tenured position on both the Princeton and the Times faculties, he seems to care not at all that his relentless and devastating critiques keep him an outsider looking in on this Oval Office.

In this excellent piece in the current Rolling Stone magazine, Krugman gets some more room to lay out his case for how this presidency has quickened the pace of our becoming a two-tier society. He nicely shatters some reigning myths about the economy which have arisen, he says, as a result of "a systematic campaign of disinformation" by the administration. Welcome to the second Gilded Age.


At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Krugman is the greatest writer in the history of the English language! I'm just pissed that I have some difficulty finding his columns on the internet. Since I buy my local daily newspaper everyday, I don't want to pony up for Times Select just so I can read a couple of newspaper columns a week.

At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I post virtually every one of his columns at my place.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger John Ettorre said...

Wow! That's pretty cool. A reader (who I think is a regular) expresses interest in seeing Krugman's columns regularly, and another (possibly first-time) reader in Massachusetts pipes up that he has them on his blog. Talk about self-service. I appreciate you both reading and commenting. Hope you'll continue to come back.


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